Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Long awaited assault on Scuzzi

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[08:17] Jennika finds herself ducking behind bushes... something she hadn't done in what felt like ages. Yet, she was crouched again, a few gnats would be hovering around, but the girl never took her eye off the target. She reached in her pocket, looking for a familiar cylinder, long and smooth. A half grin grew across Jennika's face as she pulled one end of the device to her mouth, wet, slobbery paper pressed into the end. She didn't fire immediately, but held her stance for the perfect moment, aiming carefully for the smelly pirate's forehead.
[08:19] scuzzi: wandered on, noticing only the sweet scent of flowers and the moistness in the air
[08:23] Jennika kept a steady hand, following every move he made. Her grin became wider, full and girly. Suddenly she seized the opportunity and blew hard and strong, the wet wad of yuck sent flying through the air, seemingly right on target. If it land appropriately, she'd do a little fist pump and a giggle before pouncing him.
[08:36] scuzzi: As the small wad of wetness splattered on his brow he jumped and turned, unsure of what had happened. He wiped his brow , saw the familar wad and smiled
[08:38] scuzzi: He looked around for any signs of the familar foe
[08:45] Jennika came bursting out from her hiding place, leaping over the shrubbery that once contained her. If all went well, they'd find themselves on the ground, the girl looking down at him, her hands on his arms as if to hold him there triumphantly! "Heya Stinky!" she'd say chipperly.
[08:50] scuzzi: from his floored position in his back he looked up into her smiling eyes
[08:50] scuzzi: hey spit ball

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tale of the Toothpick

[20:22] Jennika Fhang struts up with a hefty sway in her hips, giggling as she sees the new tollbooth, "Wow, hiyas! This thing is massive!"
[20:23] logan Weder: It has to be
[20:23] Jennika Fhang nods.
[20:24] Jennika Fhang: "So, what's the toll? Think I could get through with uh...." she chews on her toothpick a little more and pulls the wet, mostly mushy wood out of her mouth and presents it to the apparent toll collector, "You think this 'el do?"
[20:24] logan Weder: 20 dollars
[20:24] TheSharpest Dagger looks at logan
[20:25] Jennika Fhang giggles and steps closer, "But this is better than twenty dollars!"
[20:25] logan Weder: uh uh
[20:26] Jennika Fhang gives a silly grin, acting confident in her statement, "Yup, it is! Wanna know why?"
[20:26] logan Weder: We done take used toothpics
[20:26] TheSharpest Dagger: just new ones
[20:27] Jennika Fhang searches her pocket for new toothpicks but only comes up with one, and it was undecided as to whether or not it had already been in her mouth, but she wasn't telling, "You mean, like this one?"
[20:28] logan Weder: only by the caseload
[20:28] TheSharpest Dagger gets closer and looks at pick carefully
[20:28] logan Weder eyes the boots
[20:29] TheSharpest Dagger: 'you said what, boss?'
[20:29] Jennika Fhang crinkles her brow and frowns, "Well, that's just silliness! What would you do with a caseload of new toothpicks when this used one is better than all of those combined?"
[20:29] logan Weder: Tip them with curare and use them in blowguns
[20:29] TheSharpest Dagger is surprised 'woooooooow really? is it magic?'
[20:30] Jennika Fhang shakes her head and rolls her eyes at Logibear before smiling back at Sharp with a wink, "Mhm... sure is!"
[20:31] logan Weder points at the boots "Give up those boots and you can pass"
[20:33] Jennika Fhang ignores Logan's statement and steps closer to Sharp, rolling her shoulder a bit as she tries to cozy up to him, hoping to land a kiss on her favorite demon's cheek. "It does all sorts of cool things," she whispers almost flirtatiously at him, hoping her female yumminess would influence him to listen to the tale of the toothpick.
[20:34] logan Weder just Rolls her eyes at Jen's obvious attempt to influence Sharp with Feminie wiles
[20:34] TheSharpest Dagger has his eyes fixed on the pick 'tell me mooooooooore'
[20:35] TheSharpest Dagger sits at jen's feet
[20:35] TheSharpest Dagger: -and flaps eyelids waiting
[20:36] Jennika Fhang grins as her eyes flash with excitement and places her bum on the cement right next to Sharp, then scoots so they would be hip to hip and prepares to spin the tale, eyeing the toothpick she hold infront of her. "Well, it all began one foggy autumn evening...."
[20:37] TheSharpest Dagger: 'brrrr autumm' -he hugs himself
[20:38] Jennika Fhang pauses for a moment to wave at Logan, "Come sit with us!"
[20:38] logan Weder remains standing for the next visitor ,she also summons her sword in preparation for trouble
[20:38] logan Weder: :::: The SoulGem pulses as a violet light and mist emerge and form a sword in her hand
[20:38] Soul Harvester: The blade of logan Weder hungers for your power!
[20:40] Jennika Fhang shakes her head at Logan's unwillingness to relax, then returns her attention to Sharp, resting her head against his shoulder, "Mhm, was autumn, and I was wandering through the forest. I think it was about the time of the Gaia Festival to be precise."
[20:42] TheSharpest Dagger stares at pick , balancing his head at the rhythm of her voice
[20:43] Jennika Fhang: "Do you remember all those wierd trees that popped up all over the place throught the city? They made some crazy noise or something and ugh... I hated them and loved them at the same time...." she nuzzles her ear against Sharp's shoulder just a little to get more comfortable.
[20:45] TheSharpest Dagger: 'treeeeeeeeeezzzzz'
[20:45] Jennika Fhang: "Anyway, they made me so crazy after drinking that damn Gaia fruit juice that I went mad and took my axe to one that was in Damnation, right in the middle of the square."
[20:46] logan Weder barely pays attention to the tale as she keeps her senses attuned to the surroundings ,every sound, every scent reaches her and she balances them as benign or malicious ever on alert
[20:47] Jennika Fhang clears her throat a bit, her eyes darting around to be sure they were the only ones there. This next part might sound a bit ... crazy. "I was so out of control that I ended up chopping the damn tree to tiny little bits..."
[20:48] TheSharpest Dagger tilts his head 'you out of control? i cant imagine that'
[20:49] Jennika Fhang tries to wrap her arm through Sharp's so that she could hug it, her grip tightening as she pictured the event unfold, and her voice became a bit more silent, "Oh, it can happen... it was that damn juice.... You know what happened next?"
[20:49] Jennika Fhang: (( silent=quiet* ))
[20:50] TheSharpest Dagger places his finger on the mouth 'nuuuuuuh... what happineh??'
[20:53] logan Weder feels the wind on her face as she keeps watch the wind carries the scent of the city on it as well as the ocean, she can smell a storm coming in and knows it will rain soon
[20:54] Jennika Fhang's fingernails would slowly begin digging into Sharp's forearm untintentionally, after a short pause, her eyes were wide as she picked her head up off Sharp's shoulder to look him in the eye, "There was this hush that fell over Damnation... like, I dunno, but the silence was deafening. Then, suddenly," she threw her hands up dramatically and made a motion with her hands as if to depict an explosion of sorts, "this bright blue light came up from the splinters like a mushroom cloud and ... one by one, the pieces of tree disappeared, except for one."
[20:54] logan Weder suddenly feels playful she scares a rat out of the garbage bag behind her and gently kicks it towards jen with wicked grin
[20:55] TheSharpest Dagger: oooooooohhhh
[20:56] TheSharpest Dagger rubs his forearm
[20:56] TheSharpest Dagger: -while following jens hands movement with his eyes n head
[20:57] TheSharpest Dagger: aaaaaand?
[20:57] TheSharpest Dagger waits anxiously
[20:57] Jennika Fhang didn't notice the rat as she was so enthralled in her own telling of the story and continues, extending the chewed toothpick between her fingers again, "This tiny piece of wood is all that was left. Since then, any time I've needed to pick something out of my teeth, all I have to do is reach for a toothpick in my secret pocket and regardless of how many I have used already, there appears yet another one the exact size and shape of the original."
[20:58] TheSharpest Dagger: wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
[20:59] TheSharpest Dagger: -he whispered amazed
[20:59] logan Weder again just rolls her eyes at the tale of the toothpick ..."you still owe 20 Dollars, 'magic toothpick' or no"
[21:00] TheSharpest Dagger: that must be worthing more than 20 bucks
[21:01] Jennika Fhang nods slowly with a grin until she sees Sharp rubbing his arm. She kisses her fingertips and places them over his wounds to make him feel better, though her kisses didn't have any particular magic that she knew of. "Eh, I didn't really want to get through anyway. I heard about the tollbooth and thought I'd come check it out," she shrugs with a giggle and a wink to Logibear.
[21:01] logan Weder: Til it passes from her hand, then its just a piece of wood more than likely
[21:02] TheSharpest Dagger: 'nuuuuuuuuuuu logan, its a maaaaaaaaaaaaagic pick'
[21:02] logan Weder points her tongue out at Jen
[21:03] Jennika Fhang gives a half grin, a bit mischievous in nature, "Never really thought about that, Logibear, but who knows. Maybe it carries on to the next owner. I've never tried giving one away."
[21:03] logan Weder shows her right forearm "Now this gem on my bracelet, that is magic"
[21:04] TheSharpest Dagger looks at logan 'i dont think that gem is magical'
[21:06] logan Weder says "It is a 'SoulGem' a rare gem that is attuned to the spirit energy of one in a generation ,it obeys the wishes of its true owner, it curses with madness anyone who takes it for themself, til they are driven to kill themselves or they return it to its proper owner"
[21:07] TheSharpest Dagger: wow, that sounds amazing
[21:07] TheSharpest Dagger: but
[21:07] TheSharpest Dagger: what the hell that gem does?????
[21:07] logan Weder: Whatever I wish it to ,watch
[21:07] logan Weder: concentrates then the SoulGem pulses once more enveloping the sword in mist to recall it to the gem ...
[21:07] Soul Harvester: The glow on logan Weder's blade fades...
[21:08] TheSharpest Dagger: pfffffffff i dont believe you
[21:08] logan Weder: :::: The SoulGem pulses as a violet light and mist emerge and form a sword in her hand
[21:09] Soul Harvester: The blade of logan Weder hungers for your power!
[21:09] TheSharpest Dagger: if that gem were so powerful, why your feet still stink???????
[21:09] Jennika Fhang laughs way too loud.
[21:10] logan Weder whacks sharp on the head with the flat of her blade ... "Oh shut up, you silly demon"
[21:10] TheSharpest Dagger: ouch!!
[21:10] Jennika Fhang crosses her arms after throwing a pebble at Logan.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Ahh, the joys of SL... its cold outside in the real world, but Sharp and I get to hang on the tire swing after I ran my tail off in a crazy game of Capture the Flag, where the red team (my team) got slaughtered! 10-0!!!! Ouch!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Evil Bunny

[20:35] Jennika passes out
[20:35] Seomi: bro.. think jenn had to much to drink
[20:38] Jennika slowly blinks her eyes open
[20:40] Jennika closes her eyes again, groaning
[20:40] Sharp places his foot on jens butt
[20:40] Jennika shreaks
[20:41] Jennika: wha... what was that??
[20:41] Sharp: a bunny
[20:41] Sharp: an evil one
[20:41] Seomi: yaaay evil bunnys
[20:41] Jennika slowly raises herself, sitting on the ground... looking around for evil bunnies
[20:42] Sharp: dont panic jen
[20:42] Sharp: they wear condoms
[20:42] Jennika: don't panick??
[20:42] Sharp: dont panic at bunnys
[20:43] Jennika: i don't panic at bunnies, but evil ones...
[20:43] Seomi: yeah.. just remember... they need tiiiiiney lil condoms
[20:43] Seomi: so no panic
[20:43] Jennika: ummm
[20:44] Jennika: ewwwwwww
[20:44] Seomi: it only hurts when they're done
[20:44] Sharp: oh
[20:44] TheSharpest: why sis?
[20:44] Seomi: u don't know bro?
[20:44] Sharp: nop
[20:45] Seomi: then how u know they wear condoms??
[20:45] Seomi looks quizzically at her bro
[20:45] Sharp: cuz i saw the condoms boxes at store
[20:45] Seomi: oh
[20:45] Seomi: ok
[20:45] Sharp: soooooooooooo
[20:45] Seomi: cuz when they're done that's when they start actin all evil
[20:45] Sharp: why it hurts when they done?
[20:45] Sharp: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
[20:46] Sharp shrugs
[20:46] Jennika crinkles her nose
[20:46] Seomi: no shruggin.. is a very serious matter
[20:46] Jennika: do evil bunnies have fangs like vampires?
[20:46] Jennika: and red eyes?
[20:46] Seomi laughs
[20:46] Sharp: omggggggggg
[20:47] Seomi: noooo they're not bunnicula
[20:47] Jennika: phew
[20:47] Seomi rolls her eyes
[20:47] Jennika: that bunny was scary
[20:47] Seomi: no these bunnys not scary
[20:47] Seomi: they evil
[20:47] Jennika: how you know the difference between regular and evil bunnies?
[20:47] Seomi: shush now.. before they hear us talking about them
[20:48] Seomi: u will know
[20:48] Seomi places a finger on her lips
[20:48] Seomi: shhhh
[20:48] Jennika whispers, "Oh, ok, shushing now."
[20:49] Sharp's tummy does some noise
[20:49] Jennika shushes sharp's tummy
[20:49] Seomi: uh oh
[20:50] Sharp: :(
[20:50] Seomi: thats not usually a good sign
[20:50] Jennika shakes her head
[20:50] Seomi: either means my bro is hungry and that makes me sad
[20:50] Seomi: or
[20:50] Seomi: means he gona fart
[20:50] Seomi: and that make me scared
[20:50] Jennika hopes secretly for hungry and looks for another apple
[20:50] Sharp: geeez sis
[20:50] Sharp: u know me soooo good
[20:51] Seomi Iwish nods
[20:51] Sharp rubs his low tummy
[20:52] Seomi: craaaaaaaaaaaaap
[20:52] Jennika: uh oh
[20:52] Seomi: bro
[20:52] Seomi: i wanna give u a tums plz
[20:52] Seomi: here take it plz and quickly
[20:52] Jennika: i think we need pepto for him...
[20:53] Sharp changes his standing position and looks at the bords
[20:53] Sharp: birds*
[20:53] Seomi: am willing to give him whatever to prevent disaster
[20:54] Jennika nods
[20:58] Jennika: is that helping?
[20:58] Sharp: not really
[20:58] Jennika gets up and moves a little further away from sharp's butt, just in case

Hello Sierra!

[18:45] Jennika returns home from a church picnic with a plate full of leftovers, examines the plate carefully and chooses just the right food fight object. She carefully picks up the slightly slippery deviled egg, and lobs it at Sierra, smacking it face first on her neck. Jen laughs histerically as she watches the egg slowly slide down and fall into Sierra's shirt.
[18:46] Sierra: lol you smartass! but I love the way you say hello...i wuvs ya!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wet Hair Tissue

[9:50] Jennika sneaks up and shakes her freshly washed hair in yo face
[9:52] Sierra: uses your hair to blow my nose...ahhh thanks
[9:52] Jennika: ewwwwww
[9:52] Jennika: dammit
[9:53] Sierra: now, go wash ut again, that'll teach you
[9:53] Jennika: i just washed that
[9:53] Sierra: :P

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Brock's New Rule

[21:28] Brock: by the way new rules
[21:28] Jennika: oh?
[21:28] Brock: panties are not to be worn in my presence
[21:28] Brock: lol
[21:28] Jennika: lmao
[21:28] Jennika: i'll try to remember that
[21:29] Brock: unless you are wearing pants
[21:29] Jennika: omg, i can't stop laughing
[21:29] Jennika: lol
[21:29] Brock: then it doesnt matter