Saturday, June 6, 2009

First Rule of Food Fight Club

[10:27] Jennika throws a soggy crunchberry and it hits you in the head, sticking to your hair
[10:27] Rivers: ?
[10:28] Rivers throws back....a brick!
[10:28] Jennika: OMG!
[10:28] Jennika: that hurt!
[10:29] Jennika: good thing it only grazed me
[10:29] Rivers: You s'possed to duck?
[10:29] Jennika: hard to do when my back is turned
[10:29] Rivers: don't throw a crunchberry and turn your back!
[10:29] Jennika: lol
[10:30] Jennika: i was retreating
[10:30] Rivers: that's the first rule of food fight club
[10:30] Jennika: lol
[10:33] Jennika: second rule of food fight club, no throwing items that aren't traditionally used for food
[10:33] Rivers: umm....
[10:33] Rivers: some termites can eat brick I think

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