Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ice Cream Fight!!!

Sierra and Antaries are two of my favorite people in SL... this is just one reason of many why...

[17:09] Jennika scoups out a spoonfull of strawberry ice cream, flinging it at you as she runs past, diving behind the couch
[17:11] Sierra: lmao....picks the icecream off the floor cause you so fucking missed..and flings it back and plants it right in your fookin eyeballs man..licks flingers in victory....
[17:11] Jennika: lmao
[17:12] Jennika: no way! i didn't miss!!! I totally hit you square in the chest!! you jsut got lucky that it bounced off you
[17:12] Sierra: O.o its mah big titties!!
[17:12] Sierra: luck U
[17:13] Jennika: lol
[17:13] Jennika nods
[17:14] Jennika: don't tell ant... gonna get him next
[17:14] Sierra: walks over to you as you appear to have frozen berry tears..hugs you sweetly looks you right in the face .....AND FOOKING LAUGHS
[17:15] Jennika scaughs at your hug and goes back for more icecream
[17:15] Sierra: LOL!!

[17:27] Jennika loadups up a huge scoop of chocolate icecream on her spoon, tossing it at you as she runs by - it hits you in the ear and drips down your cheek, she dives behind the couch, avoiding an attach in retribution
[17:27] Jennika: *attack
[17:29] Antaries: wipes icecream off and tackles you holding you in a bear hug and waits for Sierra to come and dump icecubes down your shirt and pants. :P
[17:29] Jennika: ROFLMAO!!!
[17:30] Jennika tickles you, breaking free of your grasp, running out the door screaming like a banshee

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