Monday, June 29, 2009

Fun Park Adventure [this one's a favorite]

[10:07] Seomi: u know.. the park isnt in rampart
[10:07] Sharp: nods
[10:08] Seomi: and that's an electric fence over there
[10:08] Sharp: no kiddin
[10:08] Jennika: why do they want to keep people out so bad?
[10:08] Seomi: i kid u not sir
[10:08] Sharp: mmmmmmm
[10:08] Sharp: lets shortcut it
[10:08] Seomi: probably just wanna keep out dirty filthy orphans
[10:08] Jennika: they're doing bad things in there, i think
[10:09] Seomi: choo choo
[10:09] Jennika: hehe
[10:09] Sharp: craps
[10:10] Seomi: uh oh
We all fall into the water, except that I get separated... for a minute...
[10:11] Seomi shouts: jennn
[10:11] Jennika shouts: seomi
[10:11] Seomi shouts: where u at?
[10:11] Seomi: oh
[10:11] Seomi: there u are
[10:11] Jennika: aqui
[10:12] Seomi: least i sn ot sopa
Now that we've found eachother again, we proceed to cross the river. As we enter the area where the park is, we are once again fouled by technology and separated.
[10:12] Jennika: crap!
[10:13] Sharp shouts: jeeeeeeeeeeen
I find my way back to my my friends:
[10:17] Seomi: yay
[10:17] Sharp: smiles
[10:17] Jennika: phew!
[10:17] Jennika: i landed n a store
[10:17] Jennika: *in
[10:17] Seomi: i landed under dock
[10:18] Jennika: aww
[10:18] Seomi: i landed in sharp n jas house once when they lived in va
[10:18] Jennika: lol
[10:18] Sharp: oh cant remember
[10:18] Seomi: and bro laughed at me :/
[10:19] Seomi: can u climb this fence jenn?
[10:19] Sharp: 0o
[10:19] Jennika: umm
[10:19] Jennika: dunno
[10:19] Sharp: ehmmm
[10:19] Sharp: sis
[10:19] Jennika: but there's an opening at the end
[10:19] Seomi: but
[10:19] Seomi: is unner to climb
[10:19] Sharp: 0o
[10:19] Seomi: funner*
[10:19] Seomi: xD
[10:19] Jennika: lol
[10:20] Seomi: oki oki.. kidding
Suddenly, Sharp is hit by the out of control Ferris Wheel and knocked to the floor, blood and body parts all over the ground!
[10:20] Sharp: aaaaaaaaaaaaaargh
[10:20] Jennika: omg!
[10:20] Seomi: omg
[10:20] Seomi: bro
[10:21] Seomi: bro
[10:21] Seomi: nooooooooooooo
[10:21] Sharp: mmmmmm
[10:21] Seomi throws herself on bro and tries to fix his bones
[10:21] Sharp: i feel a lil itching at my feet
[10:21] Seomi: help put him back together jenn
[10:21] Seomi: plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[10:21] Seomi picks up bros foot
[10:22] Seomi: good thing i have tape in my pocket
[10:22] Jennika finds a toe...
[10:22] Seomi: u know.. is always good to have
[10:22] Jennika: is it duct tape?
[10:22] Seomi: cuz u never know
[10:22] Seomi nods
[10:22] Seomi: of course
[10:22] Jennika: good
[10:22] Jennika: gonna need the best
[10:22] Seomi: how can u tie ppl up with scotch tape
[10:22] Jennika: lol
[10:22] Jennika: point taken
[10:22] Sharp looks at the girls,
[10:23] Seomi: here i hold the foot to the ankle
[10:23] Seomi: and u tape
[10:23] Seomi hands jenn the tape
[10:23] Jennika rips off a nice long piece and cuts it with her teeth
[10:23] Seomi pushes the ankle bone into the leg
[10:23] Seomi: oki.. nice and tight jenn
[10:23] Sharp: hihhihihihihi
[10:24] Seomi: ummm his legs bro at the thigh too
[10:24] Jennika: never gonna get tigheter than that
[10:24] Sharp: is tickling more now
[10:24] Seomi: oki now the other
[10:24] Seomi: then we gotta turn him over
[10:24] Seomi: and make sure all pieces there
[10:24] Jennika rips off more tape
[10:24] Seomi holds bros foot in place
[10:24] Seomi: got it jenn?
[10:24] Jennika: yup!
[10:25] Jennika: jsut as tight as the other
[10:25] Sharp: is it done?
[10:25] Seomi: oki lets rooooll him over
[10:25] Seomi: nooo
[10:25] Seomi: only ur feets
[10:25] Sharp: uffff
[10:25] Seomi: now ur legs
[10:25] Jennika: careful!
[10:25] Seomi: uuuuuufff he heavy
[10:25] Seomi pushes sooo hard and rolls bro over
[10:25] Jennika rethinks her footwear choice
[10:25] Sharp: i ruined my new boxers
[10:25] Seomi: awwwww
[10:25] Jennika: awwww
[10:26] Seomi: is everything in place in there bro? i don't wanna look
[10:26] Seomi grabs a leg
[10:26] Sharp: i think it i
[10:26] Seomi: damn ur leg weighs a ton
[10:26] Sharp: is*
[10:26] Seomi: grab his other leg jenn
[10:26] Jennika grabs sharps leg, but it slips out of her hands
[10:26] Jennika: damn
[10:26] Jennika: too much blodd
[10:27] Jennika: *blood
[10:27] Seomi sits on bros chest and holds his leg against his body as she wraps sometape around and around
[10:27] Seomi: hope this holds cuz is not as good a job as ur feets
[10:27] Jennika whipes her hands on her skirt, tries again
[10:27] Jennika: tape, pleas?
[10:27] Jennika: *please
[10:27] Seomi hands jenn the tape
[10:28] Jennika: hold him still for me
[10:28] Jennika wraps the tape as tight as can be
[10:28] Jennika : we miss any parts??
[10:28] Seomi: mmmmmm
[10:29] Seomi: he say he think is all there
[10:29] Seomi: oki bro stand up nice and slow
[10:29] Jennika: anything else broken?
[10:29] Sharp places his hands on the floor and pushes
[10:29] Seomi: no no
[10:29] Seomi: here let me help
[10:29] Sharp: no?
[10:29] Sharp: oh thanks
[10:29] Seomi puts bros arm around her shoulder
[10:30] Seomi: super slow bro
[10:30] Jennika takes the other side
[10:30] Seomi: be careful
[10:30] Sharp: thanks
[10:30] Sharp slowly stands up
[10:30] Jennika: phew!
[10:30] Seomi: oooooh
[10:30] Jennika: can you walk?
[10:30] Seomi: how u feel?
[10:30] Sharp hugs his girls and gives a kiss to each one
[10:31] Jennika: awww
[10:31] Seomi: yaaaaaaaaaaaay
[10:31] Jennika blushes
[10:31] Sharp: family huuuuuuuuuug
[10:31] Seomi: w00000t
[10:31] Jennika: HoooOOOooo
[10:31] Seomi gets carried away and squeezes bro tight
[10:31] Seomi: ooooooooo
[10:31] Sharp: i cant feel my feet but i think im gonna be ok
[10:31] Seomi: sowwy bro i almost break u again
[10:31] Seomi: mmm well tape is really tight
[10:31] Sharp: oh
[10:31] Sharp: hehe
[10:31] Seomi: but ur demon so they will fix
[10:31] Jennika: i did make it very tight on his feet
[10:31] Sharp: nods
Time to take the possessed Ferris Wheel for a ride....
[10:32] Seomi hops in ride
[10:32] Seomi: lets gooooo for a spin
[10:32] Sharp: jen hope in
[10:32] Seomi snickers
[10:33] Seomi : ooh brooooooooooo
[10:33] Sharp: jeeeeeeeeen
[10:33] Jennika: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :D :p :D :p :D
[10:33] Sharp: siiiiis
[10:33] Seomi: omgggggggggg
[10:33] Sharp: rofl
[10:33] Jennika Fhang: shaaaaarrrrpppp
[10:33] Seomi Iwish: out of controllllllllllllllllll
[10:33] Seomi Iwish: eeeeeeeeeeeeeek
[10:33] Sharp: grab ur coooooooooooins
[10:33] Jennika: i think i peed a little
[10:33] Seomi pukes over the edge
[10:33] Sharp: omg jen xD
[10:34] Seomi: weeeeeeeeeeeeee
[10:34] Sharp: oh lord
[10:34] Sharp: the OTHER edge sis !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
[10:34] Jennika: false alarm
[10:34] Seomi: whew
[10:34] Seomi: that was fun!!!!
[10:34] Jennika: don't get puke on m
[10:34] Sharp : heheehehe
[10:34] Jennika: i was dancin the whole time
[10:34] Sharp : nice ride uh?
[10:34] Jennika: hahahahaha
[10:34] Jennika: seriously crazy ride
[10:35] Jennika: teacup look VERY scary
[10:35] Sharp: girls
[10:35] Seomi: preeetty
[10:36] Sharp: thanks for the taping


  1. I swear you are all nuts! That's why I love hanging out with you!
